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The Reliable Past

The Reliable Past.
Type: BOOKS. Detail: Sosonko, G. Product Code: 9056911147.
Category: HISTORY. Publisher: New in Chess.
Price: AUD $42.00 Now $19.95 (52% discount!!)
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The Reliable Past is Genna Sosonkos marvellous collection of pen portraits from the golden age of Soviet chess.

Sosonko, who left Leningrad to settle in Holland in 1972, described champions and other key figures of Soviet chess from a privileged dual perspective. In this book, the author again shows himself a perceptive chronicler of a time when chess occupied a unique position in his native country, but he also wanders across its borders with his memories of Dutch World Champion Max Euwe and a touching tribute to the first ever British grandmaster, Tony Miles. A preface by Garry Kasparov adds his seal of approval. Softback 206 pages. Dimensions 150 x 221 x 14mm, 313g.

This is the product image for The Reliable Past. Detail: Sosonko, G. Product ID: 9056911147.
				Price: $19.95.

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Chess Bibliography 1850-1968. Betts, D. $79.95.
American Chess Bulletin Volume 42 (. Fiala, V. $19.95.

Note. 1 stars = average. 2 stars = excellent. 3 stars = classic.