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Fighting the Anti-King's Indians

Fighting the Anti-King's Indians.
Type: BOOKS. Detail: Dembo, Y. Product Code: 9781857445756.
Category: 1 D4 OPENINGS. Publisher: Everyman.
Retail Price: AUD $32.95 (includes GST)
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Have you ever heard someone say I love playing the King's Indian, but no one ever allows me to reach my favourite opening! Does this sound like an all too familiar complaint?

The answer to this problem lies here. The truth is you will reach your favourite opening in barely half the games you play against 1 d4, and that's why this book is a godsend to those players fed up with blindly searching for the right way to play against annoying White systems designed to avoid the main lines. Yelena Dembo deals with them in no uncertain terms, offering Black no nonsense solutions that enable you to face the future with confidence.

Softback 208 pages. Dimensions 152 x 229 x 12.7mm

This is the product image for Fighting the Anti-King's Indians. Detail: Dembo, Y. Product ID: 9781857445756.
				Price: $32.95.

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