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Starting Out: Open Games

Starting Out: Open Games.
Type: BOOKS. Detail: Flear, G. Product Code: 9781857446302.
Category: 1 E4 OPENINGS. Publisher: Everyman.
Price: AUD $36.95 Now $19.95 (46% discount!!)
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Open Games refer to a myriad of openings arising after the ever popular 1 e4 e5: the Italian Game, the Scotch, The Two Knights Defence, the King's Gambit, the Evans Gambit, the Bishop's Opening, the Four Knights, the Petroff and much more besides.

In this book, Glenn Flear goes back to basics, introducing the key moves and ideas, and taking care to explain the reasoning behind them, something that has often been neglected or taken for granted in other works. He places particular emphasis on the lines that players are most likely to face. Grandmaster Glenn Flear revisits the fundamentals of Open Games, examining the key moves and plans for both sides.

Softback, 318 pages. Dimensions 152 x 229 x 21mm.

This is the product image for Starting Out: Open Games. Detail: Flear, G. Product ID: 9781857446302.
				Price: $19.95.

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