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Vienna 1922

Vienna 1922.
Type: BOOKS. Detail: Evans, L. Product Code: 9781936490028.
Category: TOURNAMENTS. Publisher: .
Price: AUD $39.95 Now $29.95 (25% discount!!)
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Paperback, 144 pages. Vienna 1922 is practically a brand new book, at least for the public, since it was self published by Larry Evans in 1948 with only 300 copies.

Evans speaks of carbon copy form, and Hanon Russell of mimeographing (which seems more likely). For those of you not old enough to remember (95% of the world's population?), these methods are crude reproductions of typed pages. This new edition includes a crosstable, player index, a Foreword by John Donaldson, and a new Introduction by the author (who died in 2010, just before it went to press). Vienna 1922 was a remarkable tournament where, as Donaldson says, "all the stars of the day (Alekhine, Bogoljubow, Gruenfeld, Maroczy, Reti, Spielmann, Tarrasch and Tartakover) played except Capablanca and Lasker." The tournament featured a remarkable comeback by Akiba Rubinstein (whose his postWorld War I results were generally so disappointing); Rubinstein scored 11.5 out of 14 and finished a point and half ahead of Tartakower, and two and a half points ahead of Alekhine. Fans of the great players of old will want to pick up a copy. Review by US International Master, John Watson.

This is the product image for Vienna 1922. Detail: Evans, L. Product ID: 9781936490028.
				Price: $29.95.

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Winning The World Open. Benjamin,J. $49.95.

Note. 1 stars = average. 2 stars = excellent. 3 stars = classic.