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Learn Chess The Right Way 2

Learn Chess The Right Way 2.
Type: BOOKS. Detail: Polgar, S. Product Code: 9781941270455.
Category: BEGINNERS. Publisher: .
Retail Price: AUD $29.95 (includes GST)
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Volume 2 is all about "winning material" exercises.

In each of the first six chapters a certain piece captures an enemy piece (in chapter 1, The Queen, in chapter 2, The Rook, and so on).

In chapter 7, you will get no hint about which piece should be moved. In chapters 812, the most common and important chess tactics (such as decoy, fork, pin, discovery and skewer) are introduced.

Finally, in chapter 13, in addition to the previously mentioned patterns, you will need to figure out which tactical pattern to use to win material, including concepts like "trapping a piece" or "intermediate move." With over 40 years of experience as a world class player and coach, international grandmaster Susan Polgar has developed the most effective way to help young players and beginners. Softback, 168 pages. Dimensions 175 x 249 x 10mm, 295g.

This is the product image for Learn Chess The Right Way 2. Detail: Polgar, S. Product ID: 9781941270455.
				Price: $29.95.

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Chess Opening Traps for Kids. Burgess, G. $29.95.

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