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Edgard Colle

Edgard Colle.
Type: BOOKS. Detail: Kingston,T. Product Code: 9781949859270.
Category: PLAYERS. Publisher: .
Retail Price: AUD $39.95 (includes GST)
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One of Caissa's Brightest Stars!

Mention the name "Colle" and many if not most chessplayers think about an opening that is both easy to play as well as one with dynamic potential. Rarely is any thought given to the man himself.

Plug the word "Colle" into your favorite search engine, and, if you are lucky, you might find a reprint of the slim 1936 book by Fred Reinfeld, Colle's Chess Masterpieces. Books on the Colle System of which there are many will be your main search results.

However, Belgian master Edgard Colle is much more than a name connected to an opening system. He was one of the most dynamic and active chess players of the 1920s and early 1930s. Though his international career lasted barely ten years, Colle played in more than 50 tournaments, as well as a dozen matches. Moreover, he played exciting and beautiful chess, full of life, vigor, imagination and creativity.

As with such greats as Pillsbury and Charousek, it was a tragedy for the game that his life was cut short, at just age 34.

Author Taylor Kingston has examined hundreds of Colle's games, in an effort to understand his skills and style, his strengths and weaknesses, and present an informed, balanced picture of him as a player. Colle emerges as a courageous, audacious, and tenacious fighter, who transcended the limitations his frail body imposed, to battle the giants of his day and topple many of them.

110 of Colle's best, most interesting, and representative games have been given deep and exacting computer analysis. This often revealed important aspects completely overlooked by earlier annotators, and overturned their analytical verdicts. But the computer's iron logic is tempered always with a sympathetic understanding that Colle played, in the best sense, a very human kind of chess.

Though not intended as a tutorial on the Colle System, the book of course has many instructive examples of that opening. Additionally, there are several memorial tributes, biographical information about many of Colle's opponents, his known tournament and match record, and all his available tournament crosstables.

We invite the reader to get acquainted with this wounded but valiant warrior, whom Hans Kmoch called a "chess master with the body of a doomed man and the spirit of an immortal hero." You are invited to explore the fascinating, fighting chess of one of the great tactical masters.

Softback, 272 pages. Dimensions 150 x 226 x 15mm, 408g.

This is the product image for Edgard Colle. Detail: Kingston,T. Product ID: 9781949859270.
				Price: $39.95.

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