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Beating the Berlin Defence

Beating the Berlin Defence.
Type: SOFTWARE. Detail: 1 E4 OPENINGS. Product Code: CBFT-SOBDEDVD.
Price: AUD $55.00 Now $29.95 (46% discount!!)
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A DVD on how to beat the Berlin variation in the Ruy Lopez.

Ever since the Kasparov Kramnik World Championship match (London 2000) players with the white pieces have been breaking their teeth biting on the Berlin Wall in the Ruy Lopez. There may also have been some successes for White of course, but time and again Black has convincingly demonstrated how to equalise or even how to construct an impregnable fortress.

The situation from White?s point of view has become precarious, ducking it is equivalent to capitulation, because in all alternative variations to the Berlin endgame White gives up from the start on the struggle for an opening advantage. What can he do? There is no other way, White has to find ways to crack open Blacks defence. With this background in mind, this new DVD by Alexei Shirov comes at just the right time.

There is hardly any other grandmaster of his class who is as well known for his uncompromising and creative play as the Latvian. In over 3 hours of video he will provide you with a multitude of strategic finesses, innovative ideas and specific suggestions. Video running time: 3 hours 49 min.

This is the product image for Beating the Berlin Defence. Detail: 1 E4 OPENINGS. Product ID: CBFT-SOBDEDVD.
				Price: $29.95.

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